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同理心溝通能力 -- 點樣成為一個臨床心理學家(二)Empathic Communication Ability -- How to Become a Clinical Psychologist (2)


香港兩間大學辦嘅合資格臨床心理研究生課程競爭激烈,我曾參與其中一所大學第一輪面試,睇見面試者都戰意高昂,準備充足,有啲 CV 水蛇春咁長,有啲心理學詞彙琅琅上口,有啲屢敗屢戰,全力以赴,讓我哋覺得佢已經準備就緒。

其實我覺得最重要同最基本嘅,係同理心溝通能力; 有最亮麗嘅 CV,有最尖端嘅學術知識,但冇同理心溝通能力,一開口,只係掛住拋書包拋履歷甚至拋治療技巧,我通常都會叮走佢。

同理心溝通能力,唔係口齒伶俐,唔係做 MC 咁 presentable;而係聆聽同明白別人嘅能力,並讓對方感受到你明白及了解佢嘅狀況。



Gaining admission to the Clinical Psychology training programs at the two universities in Hong Kong is highly competitive. I happened to serve as a panel member for the initial interviews at one of these universities. The applicants were enthusiastic and well-prepared. Some presented exceptionally lengthy CVs, while others used a lot of professional jargon. Every candidate was eager to demonstrate their readiness.

I believe the key quality of a prepared candidate is the ability to convey empathy. A candidate who fails to demonstrate empathetic communication is often rejected, regardless of having an impressive CV or the most advanced knowledge in psychology or therapeutic skills.

Communicating empathetic understanding isn't about being sharp or well-presented; it's about actively listening, comprehending the other person's inner world, and ensuring that the person feels understood.

All, yes all, clinical psychology (AND neuropsychological) assessment and therapeutic interventions are invalid, inaccurate and ineffective without the pre-requisite of good empathic communication skills. This is the core requirement of being a clinical psychologist.

Empathic communication skills can be acquired, involving careful, moment-to-moment responses. Consistent practice is necessary to internalize these skills as a fundamental part of the skill set in Clinical Psychology. I hope to see more candidates equipped with these skills when they come for an interview.

A thoughtful statue of a character from Studio Ghibli's "Spirited Away" reading a book, captured at the Museum of Art in Ehime, Japan.
A thoughtful statue of a character from Studio Ghibli's "Spirited Away" reading a book, captured at the Museum of Art in Ehime, Japan.

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